Cookies and Trackers
A Cookie is a piece of data stored by a website within a browser which remembers things that a browser has done in the past, such as logging in and which pages were visited. We use cookies to learn how many new or returning visitors we have to our websites, how those visitors navigate around our websites, and where in the world those visitors come from.
We use some third-party services to improve the look, feel and function of our websites, and these services ‘track’ a visit to a page so we can call upon those services, for example to ensure that text displays as intended.
We set cookies (_ga, _gid, _gat prefixes) to enable our use of Google Analytics to help us understand where our visitors come from, what devices they use and which pages they are interested in. We do not identify visitors using these cookies.
The _gid and _gat cookies are ‘session’ cookies which expire within 24 hours. The _ga cookie is used to identify whether you are a new or returning visitor and expires after 12 months.
We use third-party services which are classified as ‘trackers’ to ensure that our websites look and function as we intended. The third-party services we use include:
- – provides interface elements such as menus;
- – supports the Google Analytics service so we can understand how our websites are used.
Managing cookies and trackers
You can disable cookies and block trackers, although this may affect the appearance or function of our websites. Cookies can be disabled from within your browser settings. You can block trackers using tools such as Ghostery or PrivacyBadger.
Contact Us
United Biscuits (UK) Limited trading as pladis is the controller responsible for the personal data that we collect and process. You can contact our Data Protection Controller at pladis, Building 3, Chiswick Park, 566 Chiswick High Rd, Chiswick, London, W4 5YA, or email, or call +44 (0)20 8234 5129.
This notice was last updated on 19th February 2019.